Thursday, April 16, 2009

Girls Rule. Boys Get Erectile Dysfunction.

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So I thought it only fair that there be a list made of why having a pussy is fucking awesome.

1. Multiple orgasms.
2. Can PMS be used as a legal defense for murder?
3. We can use our breasts/tears/puppy dog eyes/pouty lip to get away with a speeding ticket/bar tab/possibly murder.
4. Multiple orgasms.
5. We don't suffer from early male pattern baldness/receding hairlines.
6. We can dance without getting boners.
7. Let me reiterate. Multiple Orgasms. I'm talking about 6 or 7 in a session.
8. We don't have backhair.
9. Dolce and Gabbana men's runway show.
10. David Beckham
11. We're let off sinking ships first.
12. We have implants/push up bras to enhance our assets.
13. Our genitals can't get caught in our zippers.
14. Multiple orgasms. Plus they last longer.
15. We basically control the population.
16. Men die earlier. Leaving us women to cash in their life insurance policies.
17. Multiple orgasms. We can have them while we pee.
18. We can drink cocktails without looking queer.
19. Multiple orgasms. We don't have to take a break after we have one.
20. Christian Louboutin Suede Fringe Pumps.

Pt. Deux

gender symbol Pictures, Images and Photos
A. Free
6. They don't get to experience the magic that is childbirth.
7. Three words. Breast fucking feeding.
8. Deepthroating isn't an option for them.
9. They don't have to sit down on a nasty public toilet to piss.
10. Their last name never changes.
11. They don't have to break in new shoes.