Sunday, November 29, 2009

Found My Perfect Pet

It's no secret that I have trouble keeping things alive...Animals and plants tend to die around me (R.I.P. Hammie, Furball, Max, Star, Molly, Fish I, II, III) But hopefully my luck will change. I've recently adopted a rock I found abandoned in front of my door step. Although I am unsure of its breed and age, I've set up an appointment to get it neutered to help control the rock population. I've done some research and many sources say that rocks are very gentle creatures and are fairly easy to train and can be housebroken. This rock has proven to be very well behaved, so far I've been able to teach it the commands "sit" and "stay." My hope is to raise it until it can fend for itself and ultimately release it back into its natural habitat. I'll be sure to keep you guys updated on its condition and our adventures together.