Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lets Get Personal

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Have you ever noticed why you want things you cant have or why you're not happy with the things you already have? We add value to things that arent so easily attained. Things we buy, relationships we're in, there is more worth when you've put more work to get to it. Sure, anyone can have the latest handbag dropping in a mall near you, but a limited edition Hermes Birkin bag, that's something coveted. It's the exclusivity with material objects that makes them so appealing. Things no one else has. And it's desire that drives us. The desire to have the best, to be the best. This also applies to people. So to the over-the-top I-want-attention guys I meet: I will be quick to reject your ass. The fact that you're all up in my face reads desperation, which is something no one is attracted to. I might give you my number, but it doesnt mean I'll answer to it. I might take your number but it doesnt mean I'll use it. I have encountered enough of you in these past years to last me a lifetime. And to the guy doing his own thing, ignoring me, let me approach him. In relationships, its the chase that makes people alluring. Its a primal instinct to hunt and relationships are very much animalistic. We find a prey, lock a target on it, and conquer it. But the funny thing is, even when I do get the bag, or the guy, I want more. The satisfaction only lasts for a brief moment, then I want the newer bag, the other guy. So the real question is, can I ever be truly happy knowing that there is always something better out there?