Friday, November 27, 2009

Mission Impossible

Target: Cell Phone
Purpose: Bitch

As many of you may know, I have been struggling to find my perfect cell phone. I haven't been able to let go of this Treo I currently have. It's really a great phone, but with the problems it has been giving me as of late I just have to move on. Main fault being that it freezes for several hours (4 to be exact) when more than one person tries to send a text/make a call at the same time. Telegrams are a more effective form of communication in comparison to my shitty ass phone. Pardon my French. I'm dealing with a lot right now. I have committment issues. It's a fact. I hate being tied down to a specific cell phone carrier for a given amount of time. Two years is a long time be kept in a binding contract, and being charged a fee to get out of said contract is a load of lard on a stick. Luckily, I am able to tolerate my cellular provider and am somewhat satisfied with the service. I just don't understand the whole two year upgrade thing. With new models of the same phone releasing as often as rabbits reproduce, I think its even more lard on a stick to make me wait months for a certain phone to drop, purchase it, only to see an updated version being released two weeks later and then have my upgrade price ineligible for another two years because I refuse to pay retail on a cell phone. I like the iPhone, its probably the worst cell phone but the best hand-held computer, with its innovative approach to providing different enhancements through The App store, but I blame AT&T for the spotty service. Now if the iPhone was available with my provider I would not be having this dilemma as to a find me a replacement phone. Another point I can't get over is that the United States is the only market in the world (to my knowledge) that requires you to have a specific phone for that specific carrier. But if we took a 7 hour flight across the Atlantic or a 14 hour flight across the Pacific we would experience free market competition at its finest where consumers can pick and choose their phone and provider. But we live in a society where antitrust legislations are enforced and the economy is regulated by the government. Whatever happened to Darwin's theory of 'survival of the fittest'? Isn't that applicable to business practices as well? I'm a complete supporter of economic liberalism and Laissez-faire capitalism and I believe that the economic natural order would be restored with minimal legislative interference.

Ahh, if I only ruled the country. Might have to travel down a yellow brick road and visit a certain wizard for that one...

(Realized I went on a complete tangent with this post. Finding a new phone --> Capitalism --> The Wizard of Oz)