Friday, February 19, 2010

Snip Snip.

One of the first things I wanted to do in 2010 was get tatted and get a new hair style. Due to various distractions, lapses in memory, etc. neither have been accomplished. Fifty days later I am adamant on doing SOMETHING to this hair. It's too black, too long, and sheds too much. Makes me want to pull an Amber Rose. But the real reason behind the necessity of this is for a fresh start. I want a clean slate. Sure, I'll be the same girl, I just want a new attitude. A new outlook on life. And I figured if I'm going to view things differently, everyone else shouldn't see me the same. So not only will I be cutting my hair, I will also be cutting out the negativity, the worries, and anxieties and start experiencing life.

Now as for the tattoo...I guess you'll just have to wait and see...Oh the suspense.