Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finding Neverland

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I wanna be a kid again. Whatever happened to youthful innocence? Take me back to the days where the simple things made me happy. Leave me with my Easy Bake oven that never really produced anything edible and I'd still be content. I miss being carefree, not having a worry in the world. I miss not having to deal with false pretenses and the malice of life. I miss playing on the swing sets. I miss holding my mom's hand to cross the street. These days happiness can be simulated with the dosage of several milligrams of Prozac/Xanax you name it. But I'm talking about the genuine article, the happiness that comes from a gold star in class, from growing another inch on your height chart. You look into the eyes of a child and you see the honesty and the wonder. There is no judgement. With age comes comes reality. With reality comes knowledge, the naivete is gone, but is replace by cynicism. I see children everyday playing interacting with the world, enjoying everything to its fullest. I want to let these children know to savor these moments, not to take anything for granted because nothing lasts forever. It isnt difficult to lose yourself in a world with so much evil and hostility but I'm also reminded of the good when I see these children. We just need to find our own inner child. Let them out to play.